Hear The Bells Ringing

House of Israel Call Jacob & Ehrmann story Family Jewels, well I was told by my mother-in-law Betty Jane Duesler-Jacobs, I am sure she was changing a diaper of one of Bob and my son’s, made a comment about cleaning the family jewels, speaking of their testicles. I had never heard that so was surprised,… Continue reading Hear The Bells Ringing


Social Security became required by IRS to write off children on taxes making children by listed as born basically in the state they lived in at time of acquiring.

Children not listed in their birth state with Social Security

Hidden Fantasy

Snapshot thru top glass from kitchen window between my stained glass look got snap of sudden appearing branches and never saw a dead one on it.

Fantasy DNA Myrtle BRB Time to Eat but this off my Kodak that says my image alone with video picture is a .THM but says it is a jpg.. on this Dell linux for Mac and apple iphone things so I just renamed it want to see if works looks like it did uploaded… brb